
Fatal Cross - Front - two-hand attempted low grab or push.
Thrust into Darkness - Rear - right step through punch.
Circling Fans - Front - Left/Right punch combination.
Dance of Darkness - Front - Right kick & right punch combination. 
Falcons of Force - Flank - Left & right shoulder grabs / two men.
Bear & the Ram - Front - right punch / Rear - bear hug - arms free / two men.
Clipping the Storm - Front right thrusting club.
Circling Windmills - Front - two-hand push followed by a right punch.
Leap of Death - Front - right step through straight punch.
Protecting Fans - Front - left & right punch combination.
Reversing Circles - Front - left roundhouse kick & left punch combination.
Courting the Tiger - Flank - left & right arm & shoulder grabs / two men.
Gathering of the Snakes - Front - left punch / rear - right punch / two men. 
Raining Lance - Front - right step through overhead knife attack.
Destructive Fans - left flank - right step through punch.
Unfurling Crane - Front - left & right punch.
Unwinding Pendulum - Front - right kick & right punch combination.
Grasping Eagles - Front - right lapel grab / rear - right shoulder grab / two men.
Parting of the Snakes - Front - right punch / rear - attempt / two men.
Galncing Lance - Front - right shuffle knife thrust.


Shut Fa Darn Do (Snow Flake Knife) - Saber Set Of Shaolin origin.